Micro Grant Process
The I Bisinun Mami Micro Grant Program is available for those who have completed GUMA's I Bisinun Mami Program. Through this, you can apply for up to $3,000.00 in startup funding for your business.

Application Process
Build and Finalize your Business Documents
During I Bisinun Mami, you will have received GUMA's Business Plan (Short Form). It is recommended that you fill this form out carefully before applying for your business license so that you can better identify what kinds of licenses your business may require.
Click the button below to access this fillable form.
Fill out GUMA's Micro Grant Application
Read this application carefully and complete it to the best of your ability.
Collect Documents
Collect job resumes from your key personnel (i.e., owners/co-owners, managers, etc.). If available, also include company literature (i.e., brochures, pamphlets, business cards, etc.). Include these documents in your application packet.
Turn it in!
Submit your documents by creating your GUMA account and uploading through our website.​
For questions, comments, or concerns, please contact our office by going through the "CONTACT GUMA" page.
You will receive confirmation from someone of the team that we have received your application.
Review & Awarding
All submissions are subject to review by the GUMA Team and our Board of Directors. After the application due date, you will be assigned a case manager who will work directly with you and guide you through the remainder of the Micro Grant Application process.